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Bowmandale Primary School



Leave of Absence During Term Time

No authorisation will be given for any child's absence from school unless this is supported by evidence from the parents/carers. Absences are recorded as 'authorised' if the head teacher has been provided with sufficient evidence to authorise the absence or 'unauthorised' if the head teacher has not been provided with evidence that would warrant an authorised absence. The head teacher has discretionary powers to grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances for which parents or carers must provide evidence.

Sickness Absence

If your child is absent through sickness or any unavoidable cause, please telephone the school office (01652 633633) on the first day of the absence by 9.00am. As a general rule we ask that the children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea remain off school for 48 hours after the symptoms have gone. If your child becomes unwell during the course of the day, we will contact you if we feel he or she is unable to continue with their lessons.


Whenever possible, medicines should be taken in doses that can be given before or after school. Where this is not possible, the administrative staff will give the medicine in accordance with the Medical Policy. You will need to sign a form to allow medicines to be administered in school.