Subject Intent Statement:
At Bowmandale Primary school our aim in mathematics is to inspire, challenge and encourage children to achieve the best they possibly can. We aim to make links to the real world, as well as within the mathematical curriculum and also ensure that cross curricular links are made so that children can see how maths surrounds us so much in our everyday life and in our local community.
We fully support the aims of the curriculum which encourages children to become fluent, reason mathematically and solve problems. This is achieved at Bowmandale by providing a broad and balanced curriculum, as well as a range of resources (including digital) to ensure all children can be successful in maths and apply their skills in a range of contexts. We particularly value ensuring that our children move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace so that all our children have high aspirations, self-esteem and confidence.
At Bowmandale each child has a daily mathematics lesson. Throughout the school, children are taught within their own classes which are of mixed ability. Many classes are supported by the help of a teaching assistant to enhance learning.
We have adopted the mastery approach to maths which means that children approach their learning using practical resources to secure their understanding before progressing onto more abstract methods. Mental maths forms a strong part of children's mathematical development and we place a strong emphasis on reasoning in maths. Opportunities to explain their understanding orally to others enables children to further consolidate their own understanding.
All teachers try to deliver the lessons in a fun and imaginative way and try to explain how maths is used in the ‘real world’. Mathematical ideas are also discussed and used in other areas of the curriculum; for examples graphs may be used in science.