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Bowmandale Primary School


School App

The Bowmandale App

If you have an Apple or Android phone, you can keep up to date via our app.


The Bowmandale app is designed to keep you well informed about your child's life at school. It is a quick and easy way to stay up to date with news, events, curriculum information, contacts details and the like, and offers the benefit of instant alerts and reminders.



The Bowmandale app is available to download for free for Apple and Android devices on the App Store and Google Play - just search for 'Piota Schools' and then search for and select 'Bowmandale' when you open the app. Anyone can download and use this app, so please tell other members of your family who you think would like to keep in touch with school.


How To Get the App

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play on your device and search for 'Piota Schools'. Install and open the app then search for and select 'Bowmandale Primary School'.


App Update

The old version of the Bowmandale app has been retired by the developer. To continue to get updates and alerts you must update to the new version, pictured above, which is simply called 'Piota Schools'. Once you have downloaded the new Piota Schools app, type 'Bowmandale Primary School' in the search box to find our school. The app will then remember your choice. Don't forget to go to the settings section and reselect your preferred notification channels.


Tips for Users

  1. Start at the 'Home' screen and tap the menu tiles to find your way around the app.
  2. A menu of further items can be found by tapping 'More'.
  3. The 'Timeline' tile contains a record of the alert messages you have been sent by the school. The app's badge counter will alert you to new messages.
  4. You can filter the alert messages you receive. On the 'Settings' page (tap the 'More' tile on 'Home' screen, then scroll to the bottom of the menu). Urgent alerts are urgent messages intended for everyone. You can opt into and out of year groups or other groups as you wish.
  5. It is a good idea to turn the app off when not in use. This allows content to refresh. You will not miss anything urgent since alert messages will pop up on your phone even when the app is off.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I see what's on the app and navigate around?
A. Tap the tiles and articles to open them. When you want to go back a screen or return to the 'Home' screen tap the top left arrow.

Q. Can I comment on articles?
A. No. You cannot comment within the app.

Q. I have a Windows phone/ Blackberry. Can I get the app?
A. No, sorry, the app only works on Apple or Android devices.

Q. Can I get the app on my PC or laptop?
A. No. The app works on smartphones and tablets, not PCs or laptops.

Q. I only want to see information about my child.
A. Tap 'More', then scroll to the bottom of the menu, tap 'Settings' then opt into the years you want and out of the ones you don't.

Q. How secure is the app?
A. All data is fully encrypted and the app developer, Piota, is registered with the ICO (the UK government's Information Commissioner's Office). Your phone or tablet cannot be infected or hacked through downloading the app.

Q. Will I still get letters and text messages from school?
A. Yes. We will continue to send letters, update our school website and send text alerts.

Q. How can I give feedback and make suggestions about the app?
A. From the 'Home' screen, tap the 'More' tile, tap 'Surveys' then 'Our New App'. We welcome feedback as this will help us make the app more useful. We will pass on any technical requests to the developer.