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Bowmandale Primary School


Ofsted & Performance Tables

Ofsted inspect schools on a regular basis. Following an inspection a report is published. Bowmandale's most recent Ofsted inspection was in March 2023. You can find information about our school and download older reports on the Ofsted website. In addition, Ofsted provide a web service called Parent View which enables parents to make comments about their child's school.

Performance Tables

You can search for Bowmandale and compare us to other schools on the school performance tables website.

National Curriculum Tests

Nationally, children take tests in Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6. The Year 1 assessment is a phonics screening check where children must read a list of 40 words. At the end of Key Stage 1, when your child is in Year 2, children sit the Key Stage 1 SATs in which they are assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. The Year 4 assessment is a multiplication check. At the end of Key Stage 2, in Year 6, children sit the Key Stage 2 SATs which cover Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (EGPS) and Maths including mental arithmetic. Results of the Key Stage 2 tests are published nationally.



Provisional 2024 Data  


EYFS and Year 1 Phonics Screen 2024

Early Years Foundation Stage

Pupils attaining a 'good level of development' - 71%


Year 1 Phonics Screen

Pupils passing the screen - 88%


Key Stage 2 SAT Results 2024

The tables below show Bowmandale's end of Key Stage 2 SAT results. Children are expected to attain the national age related expectation (ARE) in Reading, Writing, EGPS (English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths by the end of Key Stage 2. The second table shows pupils achieving 'greater depth'.


Percentage of Key Stage 2 Pupils Attaining Age Related Expectations in 2024


SubjectSchool ARE     
Combined R, W & M   78%


Percentage of Year 6 Pupils Achieving Greater Depth in 2024


Subject      School Greater Depth
Reading      40%
Combined R, W & M 14%


KS2 Progress scores in 2024


SubjectProgress Score     
Readingnot yet published
Writingnot yet published
Mathsnot yet published


KS2 Average scaled scores in 2024


SubjectAverage Scaled Score     



2023 Data  


EYFS and Year 1 Phonics Screen 2023

Early Years Foundation Stage

Pupils attaining a 'good level of development' - 76%


Year 1 Phonics Screen

Pupils passing the screen - 89%


Key Stage 1 SAT Results 2023

The table below shows Bowmandale's end of Key Stage 1 SAT results. Children are expected to attain the national age related expectation (ARE) in Reading, Writing and Maths by the end of Key Stage 1.


Percentage of Key Stage 1 Pupils Attaining Age Related Expectations in 2023


Subject       School ARE    School Greater Depth
Reading      74%18%


Key Stage 2 SAT Results 2023

The tables below show Bowmandale's end of Key Stage 2 SAT results. Children are expected to attain the national age related expectation (ARE) in Reading, Writing, EGPS (English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths by the end of Key Stage 2. The second table shows pupils achieving 'greater depth'.


Percentage of Key Stage 2 Pupils Attaining Age Related Expectations in 2023


SubjectSchool ARE     
Combined R, W & M   71%


Percentage of Year 6 Pupils Achieving Greater Depth in 2023


Subject      School Greater Depth
Reading      35%
Combined R, W & M 12%


KS2 Progress scores in 2023


SubjectProgress Score     


KS2 Average scaled scores in 2023


SubjectAverage Scaled Score     