Each school in England receives a block sum of funding called Sports Premium, which is used to support better standards of physical education and greater participation in sporting events over the time that the government provides the funding. Sports Premium spending at Bowmandale can be found on the Policies page.
At Bowmandale Primary School, we use the Get Set 4 PE Planning to support the planning and delivery of the PE curriculum. The planning incorporates all aspects of the PE curriculum and provides resources to enhance lessons e.g. video demonstrations, suggested music links. Every pupil participates in 2 hours of high quality and engaging PE per week, completing a session indoor and outdoor that allows them to develop a wide range of skills whilst enjoying the opportunity to access a range of topics. In Year 4, all pupils receive swimming lessons to enable them to become competent in swimming at least 25 metres.
We also work with the Get Ahead Partnership to provide additional opportunities for pupils such as silent discos, colour runs and event days. Alongside this, a physical activity mentor is in school every Wednesday to enhance our provision. In addition, we offer further opportunities during the school year to engage in inter-school sports, after school sports clubs and whole school sporting events such as team challenges, fun runs and sports days. In the 2022/2023 academic year, pupils have the opportunity to work with YGM Dance Academy through fortnightly lunchtime sessions and a weekly after school class.
Our intent for PE is that it provides children with opportunities to:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- be physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- become physically confident enough to lead healthy, active lives.
“I love that we get a variety of sporting opportunities – the colour run and silent disco are the most exciting!” Ellie
“I like that even when it’s wet break, we still get to do fun and active things inside, like table tennis!” Kemal
“I loved that we got to go on cool and exciting trips to places that inspire us like the Etihad Stadium!” Ava
At Bowmandale Primary School, PE is inter-woven into ongoing provision in the EYFS as well as being taught discretely in weekly PE sessions. Physical Development is fundamental in the Early Years and opportunities are available in the provision to promote pupils to develop their fine and gross motor skills on a daily basis. Staff in EYFS also use the Get Set 4 PE Planning to deliver PE sessions that allow children to develop their balance, locomotion and object control.
Sports Leaders
In Year 5 and 6, pupils are given the opportunity to become sports leaders. This role allows them to develop leadership skills as they plan their own sporting activities to run during lunchtimes. They also play a key role in supporting other sporting events in school such as the Ball Throwing Finals and Sports Day.
Sports Leaders
PE in school

Breakdancing and Beatboxing

All the children have had a wonderful 2 days in school with Jack and Kalim from CreActive Urban Activities. Kalim taught us all to beatbox and Jack taught us some breakdancing moves.
The silent disco was amazing!
Visit to the Etihad Stadium

We were delighted to take a group of Y6 pupils to visit the Etihad Stadium, which is the home of Manchester City Football Club. The children enjoyed hearing more about what goes on behind the scenes and especially loved looking at the player's dressing room.
Visit to Sheffield Institute of Sport

Annual ball throwing final