Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
At Bowmandale Primary School, our aim is to provide all of our learners with a broad and balanced curriculum which excites and engages them, whatever their ability or need. We recognise that all children learn differently and at different rates, and we understand that any point in their school career, children may be identified as having a Special Educational Need which requires provision that is different from, or additional to, that given to other children of the same age.
We have high aspirations for all of our children, ensuring that children with SEND are given equal opportunities to fulfil their academic and personal potential. We want them to be enabled and encouraged to feel worthy and important members of the school society. Using high quality, differentiated teaching as the first step in the school’s graduated approach to removing barriers to learning, we firmly believe that there are no limits to what any child can achieve.
How does Bowmandale Primary School know if children need extra help?
At any point during their time at school, children may struggle with any aspect of learning. In line with the SEND Code of Practice, we follow a graduated approach to identifying and supporting additional needs at Bowmandale. This can be outlined in three steps:
1. The difficulties may be short term and the first step to addressing these difficulties would be through quality first teaching in class. With that little extra differentiated learning in class, children may be able to catch up or fill any gaps in their understanding.
2. Where children’s progress continues to be below age related expectations, despite high quality teaching, targeted at specific areas of difficulty, they may need extra or different help from that given to other children. This would be provided through a graduated approach plan initially, which would be shared and reviewed by the class teacher.
3. Where, after a number of cycles of support via a graduated approach plan, the gap continues to widen or we are not seeing enough significant progress, we would then work together with the family to identify a potential area of Special Educational Need that the child may have and agree on the support to be provided via SEN support. Targets would be set and reviewed with the child and family, via an Individual Education Plan (IEP). At this point we may consider involving other professional services to offer advice and support.
What is a Special Educational Need?
At any time in their school life, a child or young person may have a Special Educational Need. The SEND Code of Practice 2014 defines SEND as:
“A young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or a disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child has a learning difficulty if he or she:
- Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age;
- Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school setting.”
Where children’s progress is significantly below age related expectations, despite high quality teaching, targeted at specific areas of difficulty, provision of SEN support may need to be made.
Signs that children need help may include:
- a child asking for help
- concerns are raised by families, staff or the child’s previous school
- progress and achievement requires extra intervention and support
- there is a change in the pupil’s behaviour; they may be reluctant to engage with learning or complete tasks at home
What should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or wellbeing, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or Mrs. Lombard (SENCO) if you continue to have questions or concerns.
How can I support my child at home?
The best way to support your child personally would be to speak to their class teacher to ensure that the work you are doing is tailored to their individual needs. They may be able to offer specific areas of learning to work on or specific strategies they are using in class to support your child.
We always recommend hearing your child on a regular basis, and ask that children read at least 3 times a week at home. In addition, all children have access to their own online learning programmes for maths (Doodle Maths) and reading (Reading Plus or Bug Club), which are tailored to their own level of understanding.
Some children also have their own log ins for Lexia and Nessy which can help to address specific gaps in literacy.
In terms of maths, we would encourage all children to practise their times tables regularly, and younger children could practise counting securely, or reinforce their number bonds to 10 or 20.
Below are some more general strategies and ideas to support your child in different subjects:
Strategies to Support at Home
The Local Offer at Bowmandale Primary School
At Bowmandale Primary School we value all of our children. We believe that they all have an equal opportunity to work to their full potential and to enjoy being part of a positive school community.
Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. The difficulties may be short or long term and they may need extra or different help from that given to other children. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them throughout their time at school. Quality first teaching and well planned differentiation are essential to achieve this; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. This is where the SEND team would begin to work to support pupils and their teachers.
Support may be given in a group or one to one, either within the classroom or separately. All groups are run by trained teaching assistants or class teachers and are used to support a wide range of children, not just those with Special Educational Needs.
Examples of one to one and group interventions at Bowmandale are:
- Pre-teaching and consolidation of classroom learning
- Occupational Therapy
- Phonics Boosting
- Speech & Language therapy programmes
- Toe by Toe
- Gardening Club to develop Social & Emotional Learning skills (SEL)
- Lego Club to develop social skills and communication
- B-Squared programme for children working significantly below their year group expectations
Our children loved collecting autumn leaves to make leaf art in gardening club!
We also planted bulbs and labelled the parts of a plant.
Children taking part in our Lego Therapy sessions have made so much
progress in their listening, speaking and communication skills!
The SEND Team
SEND Co-ordinator (SENCO)
Mrs L Lombard
Specialist Teacher for SEND
Miss S Kemp
Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant
Mrs N Wood
The Pastoral Care Team
Safeguarding and Behaviour Leader
Mrs E Dunstan
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Mrs L Lombard
Mrs Y Joy
Learning Mentor
Mrs Y Joy
Governor for SEND
Mrs S Armitage
Specialist Services and Expertise
At times, it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies to receive their specialised expertise.
The agencies used by the school include:
- Autistic Spectrum Education Team (ASET)
- Children and Families Support Services
- Educational Psychologist
- Emotional and Behavioural Support Service
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Hearing Support Service
- Physical Disabilities Team
- Learning Support Service
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy Service
- School Nurse Support
- Visually Impaired Service
- LAC Education Team (Support for Looked After Children)
- External Specialist Teachers e.g. English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Parental Concerns and Complaints
If parents/ carers are concerned about any aspect of SEND provision at the school they are encouraged to contact the SENCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) initially. Additional support and advice can be accessed through SENDIASS (the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).
Arrangements are made by the governing body relating to treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEND concerning the provision made at the school should in the first instance be directed to the class teacher/ SENCO. However, should a parent feel that his/her complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily by the class teacher/ SENCO he/she has the right to refer the matter to the head teacher.
Local SEND Services
The following local agencies provide services which you may wish to access.
The North Lincolnshire SEND Local Offer
The SEND Local Offer in North Lincolnshire aims to provide you with the information you may need, or want to know, about resources, services, support, activities and events for North Lincolnshire's children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. Information is arranged according to age from pre-school through to early adulthood.
North Lincolnshire Short Breaks
Short breaks are available for parents, carers and others with parental responsibility for disabled children and young people between the ages of 0 and 18.
Short Breaks provide an opportunity for disabled children and young people to take part in fun activities. North Lincolnshire short breaks take a variety of forms. In addition, they include the provision of day, evening, overnight and weekend activities. They can take place in the child's home or a variety of other community settings and are accessible to all families requiring support. They can be booked at any time and they can help contribute to children and young people’s social inclusion and personal development. Please refer to the short breaks website for further information.
Barton Children's Centre
Anyone can access Barton Children's Centre, which is located behind Castledyke Primary School, Council Terrace. The nearest car park is approximately two minutes' walk away. Activities are inclusive to all children and young people, including those who have a disability or additional needs. All activities are free unless otherwise stated. There is an on-site nursery at Barton children's centre. The centre also offers parenting groups and courses.
Barton Children's Centre
Council Terrace
Barton upon Humber
DN18 5AP
Parent Involvement & Participation (PIP) Parent Forum
The Parent (PIP) forum is a voluntary group of parents and carers of children with SEND, based in North Lincolnshire. It is a place where parents and carers can obtain support and advice and have their views represented as part of SEND consultation processes.
The forum also arranges coffee mornings, parent carer surgeries with speakers and various other events where you can meet with other parents and carers. Membership to the forum is free and is another place to go to which offers a friendly face and impartial advice.
Parent Forum Leaflets
Parent Forum Coffee Mornings
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), formerly known as the Parent Partnership Service, provides a free, impartial and confidential service to parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged 0 - 25. They also support children and young people with SEND. They can be contacted at:
Hewson House
Station Road
DN20 8XJ
Telephone: 01724 277665
SEND Documents
More information about the SEND provision at Bowmandale Primary School is detailed in the documents below.