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Bowmandale Primary School home page

Bowmandale Primary School



Please visit our Starting School in September page for information and activities for new starters.

For information about enrolling your child at Bowmandale, either to start in reception or as a school transfer, please see the North Lincolnshire Council Apply for a School Place web page.


Our school PAN (Published Admissions Number) for each year group is 50.

Bowmandale Primary School is a community school and we determine our admission arrangements in agreement with the local authority. The admissions authority for our school is North Lincolnshire Council.


Contact details for the North Lincolnshire Council School Admissions Team can be found below.


01724 297133 or 01724 297134

Fax: 01724 297242


The School Admissions Team
Learning, Skills and Culture Directorate
Hewson House
PO Box 35
Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8XJ


You are also welcome to contact the school office either in person or via email or phone.