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Bowmandale Primary School home page

Bowmandale Primary School


Contact Us

Bowmandale Primary School
North Lincolnshire
DN18 5EE


01652 633633


People to Contact

For all queries, please contact admin who will direct your query to the relevant person.

Head Teacher

Mrs E Dunstan

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs L Lombard

Business Manager

Mrs S Sharpe


Ms C Weaver
Mrs S Rooke

Learning Mentor

Mrs Y Joy

Designated Senior Safeguarding Lead

Mrs E Dunstan

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs L Lombard
Mrs Y Joy

Online Safety Leads

Mrs E Dunstan
Mrs A Duck

SEND Co-ordinator (SENCO)

Mrs L Lombard

To contact our SENCO, please contact admin who will pass your message on.

Data Protection Officer

Mrs S Sharpe

Chair of Governors

Mrs E Jarrett


Keeping in Touch

Bowmandale Primary School shares information with parents and carers via our newsletters and app. Other important information is shared via letter, text message and on this website.

Should you wish to contact a member of staff, please contact the school via phone, email or letter, or drop in at the office to make an appointment.

Contact Us