In response to feedback we have received from families, class teachers now issue a weekly homework task which is related to the current learning for that particular week. This either enables children to consolidate their understanding or to undertake pre-learning before an upcoming topic. Homework will be given out on a Friday.
In addition to weekly homework tasks, we politely ask families to support their children with weekly reading, spelling and times tables activities. Please find lists of high frequency words below if you wish to access these to support your child's learning.
Further guidance on homework is documented in our updated Home Learning Policy.
In addition, we like children to read every day. It can be any book and doesn't have to be a 'school' book. All reading is good reading and we have a minimum expectation of three reads per week which get documented in a child's reading diary.
The Read, Write Inc. programme suggests lists of words which children should be able to read on sight and spell. These are referred to as 'Red Words' and begin with the first 100 high frequency words then move on to the next 200 high frequency words. These lists provide children with a bank of the most common words they will come across in their reading and writing.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)
There are a variety of online resources available to help you support your child with grammar, punctuation and spelling, including documents produced by the Department for Education.
All children have a spelling journal that supports the progress of key spellings to learn. Follow the LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK method to help spellings become secure.
Depending on the age of your child there are many things you can practise with them that can make a huge difference to their mathematical development.
Pupils need constant practice with:
- Number Recognition
- Counting
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Number bonds
- Recognising coins and using money
- Recognising shapes and their properties
- Units of measurement
Links to maths games and resources: